Sponsored by the La Salle Green Hills Alumni Association, together with the La Salle Parents’ Association and the Lasallian Mission Office, ‘Simbang Gabi sa LSGH’ begins on December 15 at 6:30 P.M. Those who wish to attend the nine-day Simbang Gabi on campus are advised to register at https://bit.ly/LSGHSimbangGabi. Adults must be fully vaccinated and companions under 18 yrs. old must be accompanied by their parents/guardians. Confirmed attendees are further reminded to fill out the LSGH Health Questionnaire and present the MandaTRACK QR code prior to entrance at Gate 5D. Interested alumni volunteers and sponsors by Cluster may get in touch with LSGHAA at alumni@lsgh.edu.ph. Come join us! Let us bring Jesus Christ back to the center of the Christmas season.