La Salle Green Hills currently offers two dynamic learning modalities for Grades 7 to 10 (Junior High School)

Onsite (Face-to-Face Learning Experience) and Online (Home-Based Online

It is part of our effort to provide students with a flexible and high-quality education in a collaborative virtual environment tailored to their needs.

Discover the LSGH campus: Take a Virtual Tour!

Experience our vibrant campus from the comfort of your home. Discover the state-of-the-art facilities, classrooms, and recreational areas.

Welcome to LSGH!

La Salle Green Hills is now an authorized International Baccalaureate World School!


Under the Integrated School, all academic units, from Pre-Nursery to Grade 12, including the Adult Night School and the Alternative Learning System, are under the stewardship of one principal.


Discover Your Path to Excellence

Application Period for SY 2025-2026
November 4, 2024 – April 30, 2025

Acceptance to La Salle Green Hills is subject to slot availability, which may be limited for certain grade levels. Admission depends on the number of open spots in each grade.


This initiative was established to uphold the mission and vision of our founder, St. John Baptist de La Salle, with the primary aim of providing free education to underprivileged students through relevant programs: Senior High School, TVET and ALS.

Why choose us?

Be part of the LSGH family

LSGH has always been described as a school that offers ‘holistic education’ where our students are known to be ‘well-rounded.’ Marrying both with the popular Lasallian motto, Teaching minds, touching hearts, transforming lives, the new tagline was formed to define the LSGH brand of education and the students we wish to form. The various offerings and activities are designed to ensure that these strengthen the foundational values of faith, service and communion.

As mentioned in the Pillars of the LSGH Lasallian Identity, the school is ‘Mindful and sensitive to the signs of the times; we are challenged to use our gifts to help others. We believe that the education we receive empowers us and others to be a force for good. As members of One La Salle community, we commit to contributing to positive change.’ 

Let this be our challenge – that we will continue to build a culture of learning in our community beyond the walls of the classroom. 

May everyone (students and personnel alike) develop a passion for learning. 

Together, let’s “LEARN MORE. BE MORE!”  

What’s Happening On Campus? 

February 19, 2025

Start of the Third Trimester SY 2024-2025








Get in touch with us!

We’d love to hear from you. Please fill out the form, and we’ll reply as soon as possible. Kindly ensure you type your email address carefully, as any errors may prevent you from receiving a reply from us. Thank you.

For official and business transactions, you may contact the following offices:

Office of the Principal (For Preschool, Grades 1-12)

Alternative Education (For Adult Night School, TVET and ALS)

Registrar’s Office

Admissions Office

Student Accounts