Lasallian Educational Assistance Program
LEAP is the Lasallian Educational Assistance Program, one of the institutional offices in La Salle Green Hills, responsible for the administration and management of the school’s scholarship programs and financial grants.
Inspired by the Founder’s leap of faith when he instituted schools for poor boys in Rheims, France centuries ago, LEAP takes into heart its mission to provide educational assistance opportunities to the marginalized yet deserving youth of today. For inquiries, email
Br. Rafael Donato FSC Academic Scholarships
For Grade 6 completers of LSGH
A six-year scholarship for the top three LSGH completers is granted as long as they maintain first honors from Grade 7 to Grade 12.
For Incoming Grade 8 to Grade 12 Students of LSGH
An annual scholarship in tuition discounts is granted to the top three incoming Grade 8 to Grade 12 LSGH students.
For Incoming New Grade 7 and Grade 11 Students
A one-time scholarship grant for incoming new Grade 7 and Grade 11 students who ranked first/top of the Grade 6 or Grade 10 levels, respectively, in their previous school.
Application Procedure
The applicant must first comply with the requirements set by the Admissions Office. Upon payment of the reservation fee, applicant must submit the following documents to LEAP Office:
- Accomplished Scholarship Application Form
- Letter of Intent addressed to LEAP Office Head
- Certificate of Ranking from the Registrar’s Office
The LEAP committee shall deliberate on the application of the student and recommend qualified applicants to the LSGH Principal. The final decision shall be made by the LSGH Principal.
Br. Rafael Donato FSC Academic Scholarships
For Grade 6 completers of LSGH
A six-year scholarship for the top three LSGH completers is granted as long as they maintain first honors from Grade 7 to Grade 12.
For Incoming Grade 8 to Grade 12 Students of LSGH
An annual scholarship in tuition discounts is granted to the top three incoming Grade 8 to Grade 12 LSGH students.
For Incoming New Grade 7 and Grade 11 Students
A one-time scholarship grant for incoming new Grade 7 and Grade 11 students who ranked first/top of the Grade 6 or Grade 10 levels, respectively, in their previous school.
Application Procedure
The applicant must first comply with the requirements set by the Admissions Office. Upon payment of the reservation fee, applicant must submit the following documents to LEAP Office:
- Accomplished Scholarship Application Form
- Letter of Intent addressed to LEAP Office Head
- Certificate of Ranking from the Registrar’s Office
The LEAP committee shall deliberate on the application of the student and recommend qualified applicants to the LSGH Principal. The final decision shall be made by the LSGH Principal.
St. La Salle Scholarship
A six-year scholarship given to top three Grade 6 completers of Luzon public schools for the following reasons:
- to provide financial assistance to poor but academically gifted students, and,
- to promote Lasallian Christian formation and quality education.
The financial assistance will cover a full waiver of tuition, miscellaneous fees and other fees, and stipend.
Application Procedure
The grantee shall be identified and endorsed by the principal of the public school where he comes from. A letter of intent to apply for scholarships shall be submitted by the school administrator to the Principal of La Salle Green Hills.
The recommended student must have a final weighted average of at least 90 with no grade lower than 85 in any subject and a Conduct grade of at least VS or its numeric equivalent.
The applicant must submit the following documents:
- Accomplished Application Form
- Certificate of Ranking from the Registrar’s Office
- Photocopy of parent/s or guardian/s BIR Form 1701-A Individual Tax Return or proof of financial standing
The LEAP committee shall deliberate on the application of the student and recommend qualified applicants to the LSGH Principal.
The final decision shall be made by the principal.
St. La Salle Scholarship
A six-year scholarship given to top three Grade 6 completers of Luzon public schools for the following reasons:
- to provide financial assistance to poor but academically gifted students, and,
- to promote Lasallian Christian formation and quality education.
The financial assistance will cover a full waiver of tuition, miscellaneous fees and other fees, and stipend.
Application Procedure
The grantee shall be identified and endorsed by the principal of the public school where he comes from. A letter of intent to apply for scholarships shall be submitted by the school administrator to the Principal of La Salle Green Hills.
The recommended student must have a final weighted average of at least 90 with no grade lower than 85 in any subject and a Conduct grade of at least VS or its numeric equivalent.
The applicant must submit the following documents:
- Accomplished Application Form
- Certificate of Ranking from the Registrar’s Office
- Photocopy of parent/s or guardian/s BIR Form 1701-A Individual Tax Return or proof of financial standing
The LEAP committee shall deliberate on the application of the student and recommend qualified applicants to the LSGH Principal.
The final decision shall be made by the principal.
Br. Rolando Dizon FSC Athletic Scholarship
An annual scholarship for athletes based on the set criteria of SPDO.
General Criteria for Selection:
Coaches and program managers must ensure that recommended athlete applicants meet the following requirements:
Maintains a final weighted academic average of B- which is described numerically equivalent to 75-79 and a Conduct grade of S or above.
Exhibits excellence in his field of sports;
Serves as a good role model who exemplifies excellent values; and,
Needs financial assistance.
Andres V. Reyes III and Carlos V. Reyes Scholarship
An annual full scholarship for qualified deserving basketball varsity players
LSGH Financial Assistance Grant
An annual scholarship grant is given to students who are enrolled with LSGH for at least one school year and who need financial assistance. Extent of need is based on the following:
- current financial status of the family
- number of children still in school
- average electrical consumption for 3 months
- recommendation from homeroom adviser AND guidance counselor
Other Scholarships
Application to any LEAP scholarship/grant is subject to strict compliance with the requirements identified by LEAP Office.
For new students, completion of the Admissions requirements/process is a prerequisite for the application to specific LEAP grants.
Qualification for scholarships and grants vary depending on the nature of the program. Grantees may only be given one (1) scholarship by the school. In the event a grantee qualifies for two or more grants, s/he will be awarded the scholarship with the higher value.
Financial Assistance Grants may only be given to a student for a maximum of 5 school years in the entire residency in LSGH. It is a one-time assistance awarded to a family for a maximum of 5 years.The number of slots for financial assistance grants shall be based on the available scholarship fund for the school year.
Scholarship grants may be renewed every school year subject to the nature, terms and conditions of the scholarship program.
Scholarship Agreement
Grantees will be issued a Scholarship Agreement stipulating the nature, terms and conditions of the program. All grantees are required to return the signed Agreement to the LEAP Office following a designated period.
Downloadable Forms
Scholarship grants may be renewed every school year subject to the nature, terms and conditions of the scholarship program.
Volume 1 Issues 1 & 2
Volume 2 Issue 1
LeapZine Volume 2, Issue 1 (Download Link)
Associates – (faculty and personnel)