We are encouraging all parents and guardians to join us in the upcoming Parents´ Town Hall Meeting scheduled on the following dates:

October 4 for Preschool and Gr. 5-8; and,
October 5 for Gr. 1-4 and 9-12.

Together, let us work to continually enhance, upgrade and strengthen FLETCH, our home-based online learning program. This is also the best time to discuss and find solutions to our collective concerns and touch on matters related to student learning and formation. Kindly refer to Ranger360 for Circular No. 2, schedule of meetings and Zoom links on your scheduled session. For other inquiries, you may coordinate with your respective Learning Community Coordinators (LCC) via the following emails:

Mrs. Princess Rudyesta M. Abestillalc.ps@lsgh.edu.ph(Preschool)
Mrs. Mariapaz C. Corsinolc.1-2@lsgh.edu.ph(Grs. 1 & 2)
Mr. Alexander R. Borbonlc.3-4@lsgh.edu.ph(Grs. 3 & 4)
Mr. Eugene Paul P. Younglc.5-6@lsgh.edu.ph(Grs. 5 & 6)
Mr. Allan P. Ravalolc.7-8@lsgh.edu.ph(Grs. 7 & 8)
Mrs. Ma. Cecilia C. Bugayonglc.9-10@lsgh.edu.ph(Grs. 9 & 10)
Mr. Liomar B. Hernandezlc.11-12@lsgh.edu.ph(Grs. 11 & 12)

Here’s to fostering a meaningful home-school partnership!