La Salle Green Hills has officially launched ‘The Keepers of the Plaque’, a Class Spirit of the Year (CSYA) fundraiser in support of the Br. Rafael Donato FSC Academic and the Br. Rolando Dizon FSC Athletic Scholarship Funds last December 6, 2021. In his inspirational message, Br. Dodo said that the launching will go down in LSGH history as the first official event since lockdown was imposed more than twenty-one months ago. It not only honors the class with the strongest and most passionate class spirit; they represent memories of those who went through that year with love and dedication and a solid bond with each classmate. “It is a piece of history, a relic in its best meaning,” Br. Dodo added. The groundwork for the fundraiser began in September 2020, with La Salle Green Hills digitizing its various assets, including the CSYA Awards spanning 1976 to 2019, and hoping to find keepers of the CSYA plaques. As the Director for Administration, Mr. Jose Ramelle E. Javier stated, the Class Spirit of the Year Award is a special annual award presented by La Salle Green Hills to recognize solidarity and teamwork in the different classes of the institution. Presented at the end of the school year, the winning sections receive a plaque for exhibiting exemplary work and demonstrating outstanding support of the R34T Drive, Christmas Drive, Cleanliness Drive, and other projects and activities. Open to all alumni, particularly members of the Class of the Year winners from 1976 to 2019, the fundraiser will run from December 6, 2021 to May 31, 2022.
La Salle Green Hills launches the Keepers of the Plaque, a CSYA fundraiser
by MCO | Jul 10, 2023 | SY 2021-2022 | 0 comments