Academic Program

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Flexible Lasallian Education through Technology and Collaboration at Home or FLETCH is LSGH’s home-based online learning program designed to provide a learner-driven, collaborative experience where meaningful learning opportunities centered on the Lasallian core values are created and supported in a safe environment. Fletches are the vanes used to provide aerodynamic stabilization in arrows, such as feathers. Just like fletches, the LSGH flexible education through technology will provide our learners more than enough stabilization features to set their arrows straight to their targets. 

FLETCH Eight (8) Salient Features  

To guide our learners in the online learning process, LSGH’s home-based online learning program, FLETCH, has the following features:  

  • Learning modalities are Home-based Online Learning, done in the safety of one’s home, and Blended Learning, which involves both face-to-face learning in the classroom and online.
  • Tasks are self-paced through synchronous and asynchronous methods of transmission in Ranger360, the school’s learning management system (LMS) powered OpenLMS platform of LTG, a Blackboard partner. Utilization of other technological tools appropriate to the contents and outcomes of the lessons would also be maximized.
  • Quality of learning is ensured by following a standard rubric that covers course introduction, learning objectives, assessment, instructional materials, learner engagement, technology, learner support, and accessibility.
  • Assessments are authentic where learning outcomes and reasonable performance expectations are clear and communicated, and feedback on student performance is timely. Periodical examinations are postponed for the first trimester. Letter grades are adopted.
  • Learning programs are participatory. Online interactions and engagements among students and teachers are encouraged in a safe collaborative environment.
  • Community-building and faith formation are possible in a virtual environment. Synchronous sessions are scheduled to allow teacher-student familiarity, to foster class spirit, and to instill Lasallian values.
  • Parents are partners in cultivating a meaningful and worthwhile online learning environment. Orientation will be done, instructional materials will be provided, and online support will be made available.
  • We are together in embracing a culture of openness and collaboration in this “new normal”. Any feedback to improve the program is highly appreciated.

Integrated School  

La Salle Green Hills has made the shift from the long-established Grade School and High School Departments to the new Integrated School structure. The integration has essentially placed all academic units, from Nursery to Grade 12, including the Adult Night School (ANS) and Alternative Learning System (ALS), under the stewardship of a single Principal, assisted by three Associate Principals – Academics, Student Affairs, and Alternative Education. The shift to a trimestral calendar under the integrated structure ensures a more effective teaching/learning process across grade levels; a leaner organization; a cohesive curriculum; and, more inclusivity, with the senior high school opening its doors to female enrollees for the first time in 2020.  

LSGH Alternative Education    

Side by side with the regular day school (Preschool, K to 12) programs, La Salle Green Hills offers alternative routes to education via the LSGH Alternative Education (LSGHAE), an initiative which traces its roots back to 1978 when the Adult Night High School was founded by the Brothers. Today, the LSGHAE continues to embody the Lasallian mission to provide free, quality education to marginalized adults (16 years old and above) through various academic offerings including the Junior High School and Senior High School programs; the Alternative Learning System (ALS), a 10-month, module-based instruction for out-of-school youth (13 years old and above); the year-long Technical-Vocational Education and Training (TVET) program; and a mainstreamed program for deaf learners that facilitate full participation in all academic and co-curricular activities. 

LSGH is ConnectEd! 

DLSU ConnectEd is LSGH’s partnership De La Salle University which gives our Grade 10 students an opportunity to pre-qualify to DLSU college degree programs via DSHAPE. Under ConnectEd, LSGH graduates and DSHAPE passers who are admitted to college at DLSU need not take the requisite placement exam and introductory level courses of DLSU college degree programs, provided they meet the minimum grade requirement set by the university for the corresponding course. For more information, email or visit 

DSHAPE – DLSU Senior High Admissions and Placement Examinations 
DCAT – DLSU College Admission Test