Discover Your Path to Excellence
November 4, 2024 – April 30, 2025
Acceptance to La Salle Green Hills is subject to slot availability, which may be limited for certain grade levels. Admission depends on the number of open spots in each grade.
Application Procedure
Step 2. Payment of Processing Fee
- A non-refundable fee of Php 700.00 will be required as an admissions processing fee.
- Email a copy of the proof of payment to admission.fee@lsgh.edu.ph. You will also need to upload a copy to the Application Requirements Portal.
Step 3. Sending of Requirements
- Upload the requirements in the Application Requirements Portal.
- The Recommendation Form should be emailed directly to admissions@lsgh.edu.ph by the current school.
Step 4. Assessment Interview / Placement Test
After the completed requirements have been submitted, evaluated, and approved, the Admissions Office will email the assessment interview and entrance exam schedule.
- Preschool (Pre-Nursery, Nursery, Kinder) to Grade 2 – Assessment Interview only
- Grades 3 to 11 – Assessment Interview and Entrance Exam
Step 5. Admissions Result
Results will be sent via email after seven (7) working days. Telephone inquiries regarding the admissions results will NOT be entertained.
Admissions Office
Mondays to Fridays (except holidays)
7 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Application Requirements
Note: Scanned copies of the stated requirements must be uploaded to the Admissions Portal.
1. Accomplished online application form via Admissions Portal
2. Digital Copy of 2×2 ID Photo (recent, close-up, white background)
3. PSA-issued Birth Certificate
- Prepare a scanned copy of the student’s PSA-issued birth certificate. Please note that a hard copy of the original birth certificate will be required for submission to the Admissions Office upon enrollment.
- You may request a copy via the PSA website: https://psahelpline.ph/.
4. Two (2) Report Cards
Submit scanned copies of the following:
- Final Report Card for SY 2023-2024 (previous grade level, indicating the Learner’s Reference Number or LRN)
- Latest Available Report Card for SY 2024-2025 (current grade level)
– Additional requirement for Gr. 11 applicants: Grade 7 and 8 Report Cards - For Kinder and Grade 1 applicants, a Certificate of Enrollment or Progress Report will suffice.
- Excellent grades without failing marks, satisfactory conduct, and regular attendance are highly recommended.
5. Recommendations from the current school
For Grade 1 applicants, one (1) recommendation will do.
For Grades 2 to 11 applicants, two (2) recommendations are required.
- 1 Recommendation from either Principal OR Guidance Counselor
- 1 Recommendation from either Homeroom Adviser OR Subject Teacher
Note: You may download the Recommendation Form here: Recommendation Form Link, to be forwarded to selected personnel from the current school and emailed directly to: admissions@lsgh.edu.ph.
6. For Foreign Student-Applicants
Submit scanned copies of the following:
- Birth Certificate from the Office of the Civil Registry of the country of birth or Embassy Certification of birth details
- Valid passport
- Valid Alien Certificate of Registration Identification (ACR I-Card) or other valid Visa Identification Document
- Applicants with Dual Citizenship are classified as Filipinos upon submission of any of the following:
– Copy of valid Philippine passport
– Certificate of Recognition as Filipino Citizen / Identification Certificate as Filipino / Naturalization Certificate as Filipino - Tourist Visa and Balikbayan Visa holders are required to apply for a Special Study Permit (SSP). We will assist in processing the SSP once the applicant is confirmed for enrollment. For questions/clarification, you may email: registrar@lsgh.edu.ph.
Additional Information
To our Preschool to Grade 1 applicants:
Please be advised that the school strictly implements a cut-off age for incoming Pre-Nursery, Nursery, Kinder and Grade 1 applicants in line with DepEd Order no. 47, series of 2016.